Fox Army Health Center will open at 10 a.m. Wednesday, January 22.
Fox Army Health Center will close at noon on Friday, February 21, 2025.

For other closures and updates, visit our Announcements page.

Health Services

Dental Care


Maintain dental readiness of supported units. 
Provide high quality care for all beneficiaries.

Vision Statement

To be the most outstanding dental clinic in the US Army by providing high quality, timely dental treatment.

General Information

We are an eight-chair dental clinic located inside the Fox Army Health Center, Building 4100 Goss Road on Redstone Arsenal. We are primarily an appointment driven active duty clinic open to our active duty patients within the surrounding 50 miles. We provide various dental treatments, including examinations, fillings, cleanings, oral surgery, endodontics (root canals), and prosthodontics (crown and bridge). Our continued focus is to prepare our Soldiers for worldwide deployment.

We see service members in Active Duty status on sick call for a variety of symptoms, including but not limited to: toothache, broken or chipped tooth, lost filling, sensitivity, and jaw (TMJ) pain. Please call for an appointment at 256-876-5200. We will try our best to accommodate “walk-ins” that are experiencing dental pain or discomfort.

Emergency Care

After hours emergency care is NOT available at the Redstone Arsenal Dental Clinic. Be advised that TRICARE Dental Remote will NOT reimburse you for dental care provided by civilian dentists unless it is pre-authorized. Problems such as chipped teeth and fillings are not considered dental emergencies. These should wait until the next duty day. You may call the Nurse Advice Line 24/7 at 800-TRICARE, option 1 for any questions you might have.

Active Duty Personnel

Active duty personnel who both live and work more than 50 miles away are outside of our catchment area. There is a dental program for you to see a civilian dentist through TRICARE Remote. Go to their website at Active Duty Dental Program. External Link, Opens in New Window, and select Active Duty Service Member, Active Guard reserve; or call their office at 866-984-2337.

Spouses and Children of Active Duty Personnel

Spouses and children of active duty personnel who are ID card eligible have their own dental insurance program - the TRICARE Dental Program.  There are over 60 dentists currently in the Huntsville, Madison, and Madison County area who are participating providers in various specialties. Come by the Dental Clinic for a list of dentists and benefits coverage booklet or contact the contracted insurance company, United Concordia, directly at 844-653-4061 or go to their website for information at Premium payments are made by allotment through the sponsors payroll account. To enroll, the sponsor needs to complete and mail an enrollment form to United Concordia with the initial premium payment or call or go online to their website.

Retired Personnel

If you are retired, a member of the Retired Reserve who would be entitled to retired pay, but are under age 60, a spouse of an enrolled retired member, ID card eligible child, or an un-remarried surviving spouse or eligible child of a deceased member who died on retired status or who died while on active duty and no longer eligible for dental benefits under the TRICARE Dental Program, you may qualify to purchase a dental plan through the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP). 

National Guard or Reserve Component Personnel

Those personnel who are currently in the National Guard or Reserve Component are eligible to enroll in the TRICARE Dental Program to help defray dental costs and stay dentally deployable. Either call United Concordia directly at 844-653-4061 or go to their website for information at . Sponsors in this category also have the option to enroll their spouses or ID card eligible children. Be advised that the government does not subsidize the cost of your premiums.

Contact Us


Toll Free Number
Nurse Advice Line
800-TRICARE, option #1
Call Center Number
Pharmacy Refill Number


Monday to Thursday 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.
Lunch: Noon - 1:00 p.m.
**Notes: Reception closed during lunch


Fox Army Health Center 
4100 Goss Road
Redstone Arsenal, Alabama

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